
     The following case studies are intended to provide practical guidance for early years providers, schools, academy trusts, Music Hubs, and others looking to strengthen their music education provision and to inspire young people by showcasing individual musical journeys and the variety of music pathways.

They are intended to complement the National Plan for Music Education, providing practical examples of good practice. A variety of approaches are illustrated within the case studies, which are examples only. It is not an exhaustive list, and we recognize that local contexts will vary and necessitate different approaches.

Blackpool Music Service:

     Blackpool Music Service is the lead organization for the Blackpool Music Hub. While supporting all of its local schools (primary, secondary, and special), it also provides up to 20 hours of tuition per school each week in 92% of these schools.

Approach to partnerships:

      Schools are the Blackpool Music Service’s most valued partners. Regular, face-to-face interaction is possible because there are only 44 schools in the local authority area.

This provides opportunities to discuss school music education plans (now to be known as school music development plans), and the specific needs of the school and its community. While they have international, national, and local partnerships, every annual event, festival and competition is focused on schools’ needs.

To support disadvantaged pupils, Blackpool Music Service delivers early years programs, free instrumental loans, free weekly vocal and ensemble rehearsals, new bursaries, sponsored tuition, and free participation in an extensive variety of performances. These activities include all special schools.