It’s safe to say that 2020 has changed the way we behave, both inside and outside of our homes. COVID-19 has affected every industry, from travel to campaigning, and the sports industry is not the same. Our mirror time has increased dramatically, and as a result, more and more people are using this screen time to learn another language, try new hobbies, or play video games.

According to Deloitte¹’s 2020 Digital Media Report, a third of consumers sign up for video game services for the first time during the illness. While these figures may vary by age, one thing is clear: unexpected demand and interest in the game will continue to rise in 2021 and beyond, primarily in terms of revenue. With the January 2021² study, cloud gaming growth is expected to reach more than $ 7 billion by 2027.

We will look at the game as a service (GaaS) that contributed to this growth, how customers will benefit from this popular practice, as well as what future GAS will look like. You can download our infographic showing the knowledge and all the information you need to win games.