Adele is releasing her new single in six years and revealed that the song will be released next week.

The pop star played a 22-second black-and-white film on Twitter, showing him plugging in a cassette with the title track, Easy On Me, and a car stereo. This is followed by a 13-second introduction to this musical piano.

His tweet says Easy On Me will be released on Friday, October. 15, followed by a fourth album. It comes after your stickers and looks appeared worldwide in issue #30, which should be the most-anticipated title of the album. First watched this video six times on Twitter and Instagram.

Nostalgia and emotion – describe Adele’s clip By Ian Youngs, the entertainment journalist So what does this clip of Adele’s new song say? To begin with, this album is not a “bass record” as suggested (laughs) in 2019. Even an opening of 13 seconds is not recommended.

The first, of course, is the kind of piano music she likes, as well as music that immediately drops like beautiful Adele. This video was cut before the soundtrack arrived. Worried neo-hippies and their global warming, I’ll tell you. Leave something, or someone else, behind. The 30-year-old singer’s name will link the album to Adele’s name as a teenager in an important year of her life, after 19, 21, and 25 years. The singer split from her ex-husband, Simon Konecki, at the age of 30 (now 33) and has since omitted her name.

Like the sepia video Hello, the first of her in her latest album, there is hope. Inside, she has a flip phone. In this case, she went ahead and brought her new cassette into the car stereo. Then she looks at us in the rearview mirror as she drives, her hands moving on the window, showing a sense of freedom. Sheet music exploded from the car window and spread behind them on the road: Bach and Chopin could be Adele’s new song, singer James B Partridge.

And what about the way the name itself? Easy On Me doesn’t have a specific attempt to “calm him down”, but there are still comparisons to others that reassure him whether he wants to or not. She seems to fit in with her best musical model, which combines the melancholy colors of loss, disappointment, and passing time with an inner opposition that keeps her going despite her pain.

Welcome back, Adele.