With only a rope, bare feet, and a great balance, Nathan Paulin crossed the Seine between the Eiffel Tower and the Théâtre de Chaillot in Paris.

Thousands of people watched Paulin finish at 2,198 flat feet on Saturday, The Guardian reported. Paulin started on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower and ended at the Théâtre National de Chaillot.

As he stood about 200 feet [200 m] above the ground, Paulin stopped to settle or sit at the station as he made history by crossing a long line across the street city. It takes place on the annual French Heritage Day when people are encouraged to explore the country’s monuments and sights.

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Paulin told The Guardian “It wasn’t easy for me to walk 600 meters (around 1,968 meters), focus and everything around her… but it was still beautiful.”

He admitted he was “anxious” as he continued to deal with thousands of Parisians in the city.

So why is he afraid?  It’s to keep the heritage alive,” said Paulin of his departure.