The electric director of the series where Alec Baldwin accidentally shot director Halyna Hutchins last month to sue the actress and other crew members for the incident.

Hutchins’ friend Serge Svetnoy accused him of being “negligent”. He said the bullet cost him a little.

Authorities are still investigating what happened on October 21 in New Mexico.

No one was accused of the crime.

According to court documents, assistant chief executive Dave Halls told investigators he didn’t check all the shots before handing them over to Baldwin.

Reportedly, Mr. Halls has come up with a “cold weapon” to give to the actor, which means he thinks he’s okay.

An actor was injured in a shooting in the Western Rust movie series.

Mr. Svetnoy was indicted in Los Angeles. He named nearly a dozen defendants.

During a press conference on Wednesday, Svetnoy, 63, claimed he saw a gun on the ground days before the fatal shooting, adding that he was warning people.

The accusing him of him claimed he had a “terrible, horrible feeling of something like an air bubble” on the day of the shooting when the shooting stopped. “An explosion killed him.”

At a press conference, Svetnoy said he fell to his knees trying to help Hutchins.

But Mr. Baldwin, 63, or the other court-appointed defendants have not made public comments on the matter.

Meanwhile, the film’s attorney general, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, who specializes in weapons and ammunition on the set, released a statement on Wednesday confirming that he does not ignore her life cycle.

“We want a thorough and thorough investigation of all the facts, including life itself, how they ended up in the ‘doll box’ and who put them there,” said attorney Jason Bowles.

“We believe this is sabotage and that Hannah was orchestrated. We believe the area was vandalized before the police arrived.”

In an interview Wednesday, however, Santa Fe County attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies said investigators “have no evidence” of the crime.

When she was asked by ABC TV’s Good Morning America if she thought it was possible, she replied, “No.”

You said the question of how the deal was initiated will be “one of the most important” in deciding whether to sue.