A social media company trying to bring democracy to the media has gone a long way to ensure that the next generation of talent can take the job and reinvigorate the department.

PressPad, an initiative that connects would-be journalists to a low-cost room in London sponsored by industry experts, has a large team, forcing them to work overtime during illness.

With 61% of employers canceling corporate training due to COVID-19 (according to figures from the Sutton Trust charity), journalists who rely on PressPad’s services have lost access to advise, experience, and accommodation, more or less. Fortunately for them, PressPad spun online to create PressPadRemote, a program that ensures journalists retain access to its free support services.

Plugging the sector’s diversity gap

An important role at PressPad is its desire to help many journalists of different economic and racial backgrounds enter the field. I am pleased that your local work has advanced towards this goal and has helped 7,800 journalists seek corporate support and advice so far. This includes 33% from the personnel background and 28% from the BAME group. PressPad’s financial support efforts by the end of 2020 also mean that it can continue to provide free internet service for the first four months of 2021.

In a statement issued on the organization’s accomplishments, including plans for this year, PressPad founder Olivia Crellin said: “We can continue to fund and support young and diverse journalists in unique ways, promoting the growing talent that is our own. Newsletter and blog editor, Amber Sunner, and our social media editor, Ayomikun Adekaiyero. We even have five paid school employees to help with the #PressPadRemote season 2 design and budgeting during our crowd.

“With help in early 2021, we cannot move forward but, with funding from #DiversifytheMedia, we can continue to grow so that in 2021 we can come back bigger and better, provide information to improve the economic situation.

Journalism’s diversity issues: a closer look

The newspaper department is still one of the most popular businesses. According to a 2017 study published by the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ), students can get a job if they are white, healthy, and have a privileged economic situation. In this way, uneducated men can stay in journalism for six months after graduating from college.

The lack of newspapers is a critical factor considering regional participation in London and other UK capitals, which, despite their diversity, are not fully derived from developments represented in the industry. For example, white workers in the region are 3% taller than workers.

A sector for the wealthy

In 2020, the average monthly salary in the UK for postgraduate jobs in journalism, as well as in the printing sector, is between £ 19,000-23,000. Taking this into account in chemical engineering work, for example, (£ 27,696), it is clear why the newspaper combined with the wealthy can afford salary expectations. A small couple starts with a monthly salary due to the proliferation of unpaid companies in the region and the lack of diversity means a lot. Hatred of the company and unwillingness to work are other barriers that make it difficult for a nonpartisan group to sign a newspaper.

Why solving journalism’s diversity issues will bolster the industry

With a participatory complaint from last year that repeated the same effect recorded in the NCTJ report three years ago, it is clear that not much has changed to make the department different, which is why it is important to let an influence group like PressPad change the situation. But solving the problems of the newspaper is not only a social necessity, it is the only way in which the company can be disruptive and respectful applying the understanding of the representatives of the different communities in which we live.