Hollywood actor William Shatner was the first person to enter space when he entered the Blue Origin suborbital capsule.

The 90-year-old, who starred as Captain Kirk in the film and television series Star Trek, has left the Texas desert with three other people.

Mr. Shatner to the minefield system – developed by Amazon Ceo Jeff Bezos – takes about ten minutes.

The ship arrived safely at 10.00 (16.00 WIB).

People on board have low gravity as they rise to a maximum altitude of over 100 kilometers (60 miles). From there, they could see the movement of the world through the capsule’s large window.

“Everyone in the world will do it,” the Canadian actor told Bezos when he returned to Earth. “This is amazing.”

In tears, she said, “What you have given me is a profound experience. I have a lot of feelings for what happened. I hope I won’t leave here. I hope I might want to keep what I have. Think about it now. I don’t want to lose it.”

Audrey Powers, vice president of Blue Origin, joined Shatner during the flight; Chris Boshuizen, founder of television company Earth Planet; and Glen de Vries, head of healthcare software company Dassault Systèmes.

He trained for a few days, though there was nothing more important to do during the flight than to be happy. The rocket and capsule system, called the New Shepard, is automated.

When the capsule arrived in the Texas desert, it was quickly surrounded by sailors. Mr. Bezos himself opened the channel to make sure everyone on board was safe.

Immediately after the ceremony with family and friends, the crew gathered to receive the space explorer Blue Origin.

This is only his second trip with the New Shepard crew. The first, July 20, featured Mr. Bezos, his brother Mark, young Dutchman Oliver Daemen; and famous pilot Wally Funk.

Mrs. Funk, 82, was finally able to get the record for the oldest person in the sky – a name she now gives to Mr. Shatner.

This release comes at a time when Blue Origin is said to have a lethal work culture and does not apply proper safety standards. Anonymous accusations made by employees and current employees are condemned.

“This is not my experience at Blue,” said Audrey Powers, the airline’s chief operating officer.

“We have done well, from day one to now, when we started our human flight. Security has been our number one priority.”