Early in her career, Scarlett Johansson claims she was “hypersexualized.”

At an early age, she felt forced into performing parts that she didn’t want to take.

Dax Shepard had an interview with the actress for his podcast Armchair Expert.

Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson has discussed how she was “objectified” and “pigeonholed” early in her acting career.

In a recent interview on Dax Shepard’s podcast Armchair Expert, the Avengers: Endgame actor recalled being “hypersexualized” since a young age.

I “sort of got objectified and pigeonholed in this way where I felt like I wasn’t getting job offers for things that I wanted to pursue,” Scarlett said.

The Black Widow actress admitted that, after 40, she began to worry about what people might say.

I was struggling against it, but eventually, I quit fighting for it, revealed Lucy star.

Scarlett stated she felt “pigeonholed” after her performance in Lost in Translation alongside Bill Murray.

Famous Iron Man 2 actress who played a character five years older than she was while still, a teen said, “I believe everyone thought I was older and that after many years of performing, I felt somewhat pigeonholed into this strange hypersexualized genre. My career seemed to have ended.

Mom of two said: It was as if to say, “That’s the type of career you have, and these are the roles you’ve done. Then I thought, “This is it?”

So that was frightening at the moment, said Scarlett. I thought, “Is this it?” in a strange manner. I largely ascribed that to people believing that I was much older than I was.

The Don Jon actress did admit, though, that things had “changed a lot” for young girls in Hollywood nowadays.

I see younger, 20-year-old actresses these days. The freedom to be all these different things seems to be theirs. There is also another moment. Thank goodness, we’re not even permitted to categorize other performers anymore. People have far more personality now.

Scarlett believed the #MeToo movement had stopped males in positions of authority from taking advantage of young actresses in the industry, but there is still a long way to go.

She said, “I feel like there’s a basic fact of the woman’s position that will always be there. It’s so baked into our culture and society that it’s hard for me to envision that ever is not an aspect. It’s kind of altered, but we live in a patriarchy.

Scarlett, on the other hand, is upbeat about the future of women, adding, “I have come to this realization that it’s vital to realize development and change when it’s relevant. It isn’t limited.