Cinema attendees in a cinema in Wales will be asked to show their Covid passport after the government of Wales receives a vote in Parliament.

Now, guests of a nightclub and big event will prove that they have been vaccinated, tested negative for Covid, or recently entered the virus.

From Monday it will be extended to cinemas, theaters, and theaters.

Labor ministers won the vote when Plaid Cymru approved the plan.

39 members of the parliamentary party approved the new law by voting in favor with 15 against and against the Welsh conservatives and the Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds.

On Tuesday afternoon, Big Brother Watch, a campaign for civil liberties, said it had filed a lawsuit against the Welsh government, calling the plan “authoritative, provocative and lacking in funds.”

But Labor said the Covid event was significant and Health Minister Eluned Morgan said the extension was made to allow the cinema and film to open during the winter months.

Hundreds of protesters gathered on the steps of Parliament in Cardiff Bay on Tuesday, despite fears that the right to freedom of expression was being curtailed.

This vote was different in October when ministers made the first decision to overturn the Covid transfer with a single vote when conservative member states couldn’t join Zoom to vote on the show.

By then the Welsh government – which had kept half of the 60 seats in Parliament – had won all the opposition, including Plaid, against this plan.

The ideas in the suggested practice are shared among those who work in film and film.

The Cardiff Bay Wales Millennium Center said it welcomes any movement that allows the safety of its spectators to remain open, especially before Christmas.

Steve Reynolds, director of Picturedrome Cinema, which produces the Maxime and Blackwood cinema, said he thinks a cinema has been chosen for the film.

He worries about the impact on trade: “Cinema will not survive if there is a major commercial failure.”

Covid Health Wales gave Covid the most recent seven-day trial as 527.7 per 100,000 people.

But Morgan argued that the number of cases was “too high” and increased over several quarters.

Also Read: Covid: Live events are to be protected by a government-backed insurance system worth £ 750 million

“Our goal is to close the department or re-establish the barriers,” he said, noting that “many sections of the Welsh community are with us.”

Conservative political adviser Darren Millar said there were “many ethical and equitable values in eliminating Covid,” echoing concerns that the outcome of the external device was self-explanatory.

“You can return your dog and enter the results into the system and get a vaccination pass so he can go to any event, restaurant, theater, or anywhere else, that’s the laugh.”

Plaid health spokesman Rhun ap Iorwerth revealed last week that Plaid will likely support the extension, but he disagreed with the same party until lunch on Tuesday.

He said: “During this illness, Plaid Cymru made it clear that we will support evidence-based action that will help reduce transmission and protect the people of Wales.

“After reviewing the evidence, including that provided by the Welsh government, we are ready to approve the extension of the authority to help reduce the handover of Covid.”

Liberal Democrat leader Welsh Dodds said his opposition is “the most important thing” rather than “the lack of evidence”.

He told Parliament that he has not yet found evidence that eradication has helped “reduce transmission or increase immunization”.

The election prompted the Labor government to continue its partnership agreement with Plaid and Cardiff Harbor.

The group has been negotiating for a few months, because Labor does not have enough, but they are not expected to join the alliance.

Nightlife NTIA, which opposed Covid’s passport plan from the start, said cinemas and theaters would face “significant challenges”.

Chief Executive Michael Kill said: “There is great concern in the hospitality and night economy that the Welsh government will push this to cover more trade, which will undoubtedly hurt the industry.”