On Tuesday, December 6, Overwatch 2’s second season was published, and as was predicted, it includes several improvements to the already outstanding video game.

Along with a significant nerf to Sojourn, the newest Shambali Monastery map named Ramattra was introduced in the second season. The new adjustments are anticipated to make Sojourn quite balanced and enable gamers to make the most of her.

Additionally, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Bastion, Symmetra, Tracer, Mercy, Ana, and Kiriko will receive updates. The first two saw considerable revisions, while the others just underwent minor alterations.

Another significant change concerns how Control maps handle overtime, which now prohibits abrupt finishes once teams with 99% of the game completed swing the point in their favor.

The second season’s debut also includes improvements for a number of issues and new tasks to unlock important characters. Additionally, bugs in the damage falloff of the Tracer have been resolved.

A “hero buy” tab has also been added to the store area. Movement speed benefits were eliminated, while the reload speed bonus was raised to 35%.

The Doomfist tank has undergone a number of adjustments to boost his presence as a disruptive brawler and to let him stay in the fight for a longer period of time, according to Overwatch 2 developers speaking about the debut of the second season.

The designers also noted modifications to Power Block and Meteor Strike that they believe would enhance Empowered Rocket Punch’s functionality.

The Empowered Rocket Punch now has a shorter stun duration and smaller impact to reduce frustration when combating it. Additionally, in order to increase the utility of Rocket Punch, the damage has been changed such that wall impacts are no longer necessary.

The creators also acknowledged that, despite Sojourn’s stellar performance on the highest competition stages, it underperformed on lesser ones.

As a result of player complaints, they decreased the critical headshots multiplier for Sojourn’s Railgun’s long-range, charged headshots.


When was the release date for the second season patch?

Dec. 6 on a Tuesday.

What is the name of the new map for the Shambali Monastery?
