Additional submission closes: 29 December 2021

Notification of acceptance/rejection: 31 January 2022

Early Bird Registration deadline: 28 February 2022

Conference: 27-29 April 2022

The International XR Conference is an annual immersive tech event of the International Association of Immersive Technology Innovation (IAITI)

And it aims to bring industry and academia together in order to discuss, present and showcase the latest trends in immersive technology arena. The sixth International Augmented and Virtual Reality conference were held online for the first time and for all of us, 2020/2021 has been a challenging year with many unknowns and changes to the way we work, socialize, and operate.

“Online” has become the new normal for meetings and conferences, possibly and most likely changing our future behaviors towards a blended online and offline approach. Nonetheless, we are delighted to announce that we will be hosting the 7th International XR conference together in Lisbon from the 27th to the 29th of April 2022. Hosted by Prof. Sandra Loureiro and her team at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, the 7th International XR conference will focus on the theme of Extended Realities (XR) in Times of Crisis.